Helping your team grow will help you and your company in the long run. It is important that you share the knowledge you have been blessed with over your career. Pay it forward at work by supporting and developing your colleagues to grow into better versions of themselves. It is essential to keep in mind that helping your team members grow helps your company grow as a whole.

Progression cannot always be all about you, you, you. In other words, you may recall several of the job descriptions you have seen call for a team player in need at job interviews, and you may have been asked to describe how you work with others in a team. The good news is that being a team player is more than an interview buzzword that has become popular over the years. In fact, supporting your colleagues can also advance your own career.

Remember to involve others in your projects or collaborate on ideas. Share your knowledge and proficiency while learning from your colleagues. When other coworkers feel like you are making an effort to help them, they want to do everything in their power also to help you. Together you can make your company a thriving environment. Sometimes helping your team grow might just be a reminder of how they can improve at being a coworker.

At selected times, pointing out a coworker’s weaknesses may help them improve themselves, which would better improve the team’s growth. Some of the basic ways we recommend our employees better themselves is by suggesting that they say hello to everyone in the morning, learn the art of small talk, ask others their opinions, avoid gossip, give out compliments, spread happiness, return emails in a timely manner, give credit to who deserves it and focus on the positives in life.

Becoming a better coworker and helping your team grow is not an easy task and it does not happen overnight, but Revolutionary Solutions would like to give you some tips that you can do to help your employees grow. Some of the basic advice our team would like to offer you are to encourage professional development, create a developmental plan, pair employees with mentors, help them build their networks, challenge employees with assignments that leave their comfort zones, and show your employees that you trust them.

Gain Ideas for Supporting Your Employees, Contact Revolutionary Solutions, LLC

If you and your team feel like your rate of growth has been stagnant and need help getting your company rolling in the growing direction, call the Revolutionary Solutions team at (703) 815-6200. We are experienced in educating both government agencies and small businesses with best practices that will help you keep your team growing and thriving. Whether you’re in Reston, Virginia or points nearby, contact us today to set up a meeting and learn how we can support you.

Inspire to climb higher with Revolutionary Solutions by your side